
Gantha July, 22 virtual meeting

Gantha held its  meeting on the 23rd July at 6.00 p.m. as scheduled and it ended at 8 p.m. The meeting was conducted by Razia Sultana Khan.

Hosne Ara Shahed who is the mother-in-law of a regular Gantha member Masrufa Ayesha Nusrat passed away recently. Gantha observed a minute of silence to show respect to her. Ms Shahed was a well respected teacher and a wtiter and has written about 81 books.

There were three speakers on Women Writers Project.

The speakers were:

  1. Jharna Rahman talked about  RubyRahamn. She is a writer from the 60s. it was time of cultural revolution fot the Bengalis.
  2. Jobaira Biswas who gave an elaborate talk onPurobiBasu’s life and works.
  3. Jackie Kabir shed light to the life and works Nurunnessa Islam. A great visionary and activist of women movement.

Following decisions were taken in the meeting:

  1. Marzia Rahman will be keeping the accounts as MasrufaA Nusrat will be going abroad for higher studies.
  2. Next meeting can be done partition literature as we are observing the 75th year of partition. It was also decided that we will have a virtual meeting as Covid is again on rise.
  3. Members  who haven’t  yet send their writings(the ones they have presented)to Niaz Apa should do so as soon as possible.

The meeting concluded with a decision to hold the next meeting  virtuallyon 20th August 2022.

List of attendees:

Gantha Members                                                                    

  1. Niaz Zaman                                                                               
  2. Afroza Parveen 
  3. Razia Sultana Khan
  4. Jobaira Biswas
  5. Marzia Rahman
  6. Masrufa Ayesha Nusrat
  7. Nasreen Kabir
  8. Nur Quanrun Naher.